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A PR campaign in China is the most budget-friendly & delivering marketing campaign you could ever wish for.

Promote your business in China with a press release_a0393932_06085635.jpg
We are in the world of information overload; people are blocking online advertisements and skipping video ads.Your content will be ignored if it offers no value.Pouring money into advertisements which most likely to fail isn't a reasonable growth strategy. in their online ads due to one significant fact: their target audiences never hear about them before .

That is why you need to use the power of press releases, especially for a massive market like China.

TopicNews.cn is an expert in China press releases .When your company products or services appearing in the news, you can use it as a leverage for marketing and find potential business partners.

If you're willing to step out of your comfort zone, get creative, yet don't want to take a high risk to promote your business in China, then PR marketing is one of the most effective and comfortable marketing tactics out there, and you can quickly scale up with a budget.

Tell a story about your business, your vision.Don't just write like a business website introduction page; think what people would like to read in the news, think of exciting title people will want to click and read.Get super entertaining. Add photos and short videos in the content, then promote the content on Chinese news and social media

Things to watch out when executing

Keep the content legal according to the regulations in China.

Don't focus on going viral.Your goal here is to target a segment of your audience and then give them something fun, memorable, and enjoyable.If you get some notoriety out of it, that's awesome; if you don't , you've still given your customers even more reason to stick with you.

Some Chinese news article example:



Use “ MAC ” principals for your successful press release campaigns: the right M essage, the right A udience, and the right C hannels.

by topicnews | 2019-12-19 06:09 | biz


by Newswire